Acehole Celebration
Aces Commander's Cup
Golf Tournament
Sign up your 4-person team at the link below!
Don't have a team? Feel free to sign up solo and join other members of the WA ANG.
There are only so many spots available, so sign up today!
This will be a 4-man scramble. White tees will be played for men and red tees for women. Mulligans will be available for sale as well as other advantages. Cash is preferred and card will be accepted. All costs will be paid at the clubhouse where you will check-in. The total price will be $80 to play per player.
The tournament schedule is as follows:
0600 - Range is Open
0700 - Check-in
0730 - Introduction & Rules
0800 - Tee off
~1300 - Tournament End
~1330 - Awards & Closing Ceremony
The patio is open until sundown and more than welcome to hang out and enjoy the festivities.
Acehole Bottles
Bottles will be selling for $116 for an etched, serialized, filled, and sealed bottle. Only 300 of these bottles will be available for purchase. A cheaper option is available at $80 for a screen-printed, filled, and sealed bottle. You can purchase through Venmo below. Please label the payment for a bottle. Reach out to Louis if you desire a specific number!